Fee Rules

  1. School Fees are payable for full 12 months in the year.
  2. Fees must be paid in Cash. No cheques will be accepted.
  3. No fees will be accepted after 20th of the month.
  4. Those whose fees are not paid by the 20th of every month will have to pay a fine of 25/- per month for which the fees have not been paid.
  5. Pupils shall not be allowed to site for the terminal or final examination unless all dues are paid up to date.
  6. For Classes X and XII. Fees of March to June are collected along with the fees of January and February. For all other classes the fees for April. May and June are collected in the month of January and February respectively.
  7. A month's notice must be submitted in writing before the withdrawal of any child, or else a month's fees will be charged.
  8. When a child has once been withdrawn, admission fee must be paid again on re-admission.
  9. No Transfer Certificate or any other documents will be issued before the sums due to the school have been paid.
  10. No reduction in the fees shall be made for pupils coming late to school after vacation, nor shall any reduction be made for periods of absence.
  11. Collection of fees 8:00 am to 1:00 PM. (Monday to Friday)
  12. Collection of fees on Saturday 8:00 am to 11:00am.
  • Address:
    Near Power House, Madar
    Ajmer (Raj.) 305001 INDIA
  • Phone: +91 145 2670867
  • Email: